Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren
Page 3

(click images for a larger view)

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Photo identifications (by row):
Row 1
1. Connie & Jennifer
2. Bev, Steve & Bear
3.Carole 1st year teaching
Row 2
4.Doug, Terry, Glenda, Linda, Dale,  Diana, Steve, Carole
5. Connie, Terry, Sarah
6. Greg Carole Terry, Connie, Dale, Doug, Becky
7.Greg, Carole, Melanie, Doug, Dale, Terry, Connie, Jennifer
Row 3
8.-9. Connie in Lake Powell
10. Connie & Jennifer
11. Steve, Dale, Greg
Row 4
12. Kristopher, Greg & Kelli Jo
13. Trudy & Carole
14. Trudy (2007)
Row 5
15.-16. Faith
17. Dusty, Gabe, Faith
18. Lacey
Row 6
19. Mike
20. Dusty
21. Terry (2007)
22. Kristina
Row 7
23.  Kevin
24. Patrina
25. Patrina, Jennifer, Kevin & family, Kristina & family  .
Row 8
26. Jen (Glenda's daughter) at work
27. Jen and Zane's wedding (10/3/99)
29. Jen & Shawn (Steve's son) at Shawn's graduation
30. Shawn & Jen at a Jacksonville Suns game
Row 9
31. Mike (2007)
32. Doug (2007)
33. Dale (2007)
34. Ty (Kasey and Shawn's oldest)
Row 10
35. Chance (Kasey and Shawn's middle child)
36. Sean Leone (Kasey and Shawn's youngest) with AshLee
37. Helen, David and AshLee (wedding day - 11/29/08)

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Other pages:

SF Rey, Sr.'s parents, siblings, etc. in Spain

Belle's parents and sisters

    Serafin Francisco (Finnie)
          In Memory of Finnie
    Samuel Salvador
          Sam & Grands/Great-Grands
    Rose Marie
    Sharron Lee

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren
       Family Trees

Family group pictures

Miscellaneous photos

Family recipes