Belinda (Belle) Cornelia Cruz |
Photo identifications (by
row): Row 1 1. Belle's mother, Maria Sara Yara 2. Belle with her father, Salvador Cruz 3. Belle (?) - on back is written in Belle's handwriting: "me as a baby" (not sure that is really true) Row 2 4. Belle, her mother and ? 5. Belle 6. Finnie, Belle, Sam 7. Sarah & Becky Row 3 8. Sarah, Becky, Grandma Cruz & Belle 9. Grandma Cruz 10. Grandma Cruz 11. Grandma Cruz - 80th birthday Row 4 12. Fred, Nettie, Isabel & Charley 13. Five Generations: Great Grandmother Dona Shena Monchego Trujillo, Grandma Cruz, Nettie, Nettie's daughter, Isabel, and granddaughter 14. Grandma Cruz (front center) and siblings - Brothers: Tom Trujillo (US Marshall/dairy farmer - back left) & Everett (farm laborer - back right); Sisters: Flora Archuleta (front left) & Quotilldi (front right) Row 5 15. Great Grandmother Donaciana Monchego Trujillo's headstone near Walsenburg, Colorado 16. Belle, Becky, Fred, Sarah, Nettie 17. Sherry and kids with Fred, Tammie and Carol 18. Cousin Valentina & ? Row 6 19. Becky 20. Becky 21. Becky 22. Becky and Jimmy Row 7 23. Jimmy Decker about 4 years old 24. Becky & Jimmy 25. Belle, Sherry, Becky & Jimmy Row 8 26. Jimmy Decker ('46-'47) 27. Becky & Jim 28. Finnie & Becky 29. Belle & Becky Row 9 30. Becky at TeePee Fountain in Thermopolis 31. Becky's 93rd birthday, 2010 32. Sarah & Belle 33. Sarah Row 10 34. Sarah at Meadowlark Lodge 35. Bill at Meadowlark Lodge 36. Grandma Cruz with Wood kids and Jim Decker Row 11 37. Bill & Sarah's kids 38. Sarah with kids 39. Finnie with Wood kids 40. Finnie & Dolly Row 12 41. Bill Wood in his Jeep 42. Bill, Sarah & Finnie (Bill & Sarah's 50th wedding anniversary 43. Sarah, Belle & Becky 44. Finnie & Sarah Row 13 45. Dale Ann, Sarah Lou, Sheldon & Sarah 46. Sarah, Tammie, Sam, Sis, Finnie & Sherry 47. Sarah and Sarah Lou - 2009 Row 14 48. Dale Ann and Sheldon - 2009 49. Belle 50. Belle kissing Don Ho in Hawaii 51. Belle Row 15 52. Lafe Higgins 53. Lafe and Belle 54. Belle and Carole |
Other pages: SF Rey, Sr.'s parents, siblings, etc. in Spain
Children |