Miscellaneous Photos of the Rey Family
(click images for a larger view)

Photo identifications (by row):
Row 1
1. German "personalized" license plate
2. Finnie's new glasses
3. Sherry's wedding day
Row 2
4. Carole forklifted into plane with sprained ankle
5. Sam cuts up
6. Sam & friend
7. Dale Ann, Sis & Laura 
Row 3
8.-9. Brothers show strength!
10. High kickers
11. Sharon & bird friends
Row 4
12. Belle at Sam's for Christmas
13. A Rey eye
14. A Rey woman's work is never done!
Row 5
15. Doug, Terry, Greg huffing & puffing, 1997
16. Let Connie eat cake!
17. Finnie fights a croc!
18. A croc gets Carole!
Row 6
19. Bad hair day
20. Finnie on his wedding day
21. Finnie gets Sam
22. Sam gets Finnie (Ryan, Sharon and Margaret look on)
Row 7
23. Sharon rocks the bridge for Finnie
24. Would be thieves?
25. Maoris with Sharon, Finnie & Carole in New Zealand
Row 8
26. Dig the rocker on the right!
27. Carole & stepsister, Sally
28. Carole likes to fish (like her grandmother!)
29. Carole at Old Faithful (like her grandfather!)
Row 9
30. Finnie with blue sunglasses
Other pages:

SF Rey, Sr.'s parents, siblings, etc. in Spain

Belle's parents and sisters

    Serafin Francisco (Finnie)
         In Memory of Finnie
    Samuel Salvador
         Sam & Grands/Great-Grands
    Rose Marie
    Sharron Lee

     Family Trees

Family group pictures

Miscellaneous photos

Family recipes