Family Groups |
Photo identifications (by
row): Row 1 1.-3. Belle & kids Row 2 4. SS Reys & SF Reys in WA 5. SF Reys 6. Finnie & Carole 7. SF Reys with Sharon's parents Row 3 8. Sis, Ray & kids 9. Sis, family, SF Reys in Houston 10. Belle, Sis, Glenda and son, Mike 11. Sis & kids Row 4 12. Sis, kids & grandkids 13. Belle, Lafe, Sis, Ray & kids 14. Gene, Sherry, Don & Diana Row 5 15. Sherry, Russ, kids and grandkids 16. Sherry & grandkids 17. Belle, Finnie, Carole, Danette, Sherry & grandkids 18. SS Reys Row 6 19. -20. SS Reys 21. Sam, Leone & grandkids 22. SS Reys Row 7 23. Sam & kids 24. -25. Terry Rey family Row 8 26. Terry's kids & families 27. Terry Rey family - 2007 (back): Patrina, Jennifer, Ross (middle): Kevin, James, April, Terry, Connie, Kristina (front): Wesley, Josie, Evelyn, Kali, Hailey 28. Greg Rey Family 29. Dale Rey family Row 9 30. Doug Rey family 31. Doug Rey family 32. Mike Rey family 33. Trudy & kids Row 10 34. Trudy, John & kids 35. Twin Lakes reunion, 198? 36. Family in Casper, 2000 Row 11 37. SS Rey family reunion, 8/02/03 38. SS Rey family reunion, 8/07 39. Sharon, Sally, Carole (back); Stephanie (front) in Dubois |
Other pages: SF Rey, Sr.'s parents, siblings, etc. in Spain
Children Family group pictures |