(click images for a larger view)


Photo identifications (by row):
Row 1
1-2. About 3 months old
3. About 3 years old
Row 2
4. Kindergarten
5. 1st grade
6. Washing dishes in Tulsa
7. Belle and Carole 
Row 3
8. Jr. yr. college - off to Germany for the summer
9. 1st year of teaching (1973-'74)
10. Trudy and Carole
11. Fishing in Colorado
Row 4
12. Carole in Australia
13. Carole and Belle at Cuchara cabin
14. Carole at Nat'l Aquarium, Washington DC
Row 5
15. Finnie, Carole, Gabe & Hannah, Cuchara
16. Forklifted to plane in Australia (sprained ankle)
17. Carole and Gabe
18. Carole and Tia Maria (on left) in Spain
Row 6
19. Carole at Old Faithful
20. Carole and Finne, Cuchara, September, 2004
21. Carole and stepsister, Sally, in Dubois, WY
22. Carole and stepsisters, Stephanie and Sally
Row 7
23. Carole is the one on the ground...
24. Jerry and Carole, Cripple Creek, Colorado, September, 2007
25. Halloween, 2008
Other pages:

SF Rey, Sr.'s parents, siblings, etc. in Spain

Belle's parents and sisters

    Serafin Francisco (Finnie)
          In Memory of Finnie
    Samuel Salvador
    Rose Marie
    Sharron Lee

     Family Trees

Family group pictures

Miscellaneous photos

Family recipes